Ruth E. Brinkman
- Street: 2703 Fridinger Mill Road
- City: Manchester
- State: MD
- Zip/Postal Code: 21102-1732

Reliable, enthusiastic, & flexible! Have own make-up and supplies; specialize in natural look and dramatic. Can travel and accept short notice for projects, short and long term contracts; reasonable rates; will assist; references and resume upon request. MD State licensed; 25 years experience; some fx experience; member of W.I.F.V.
Credits: Applied Physics Laboratory / John Hopkins, Video, 2012; Department of Health and Human Services, Commercial Video, 2012; Hi Definition HD Video for Abavit,2011; Gary Wheeler, Photographer, Headshots, 2003-2010; Johnson & Johnson, 2009; Still Photo Shoot, MD Schol for the Deaf, 2009; Publicity Photos, Nathional Institutes of Health, 2007; Biggest Loser Article, People’s Magazine, 2006; Convergence, film, Zero Point Productions LTD, 2005; The Butterfly Riddle, film, Laurel Entertainment, 2005; MRB Films, Commercial, Franklin Square Hospital, 2005; Mercury Productions, Commercial(3), 2004; V.P.C., Video, Hopkins ,Bayview, 2004; Comcast Cable, ExecutiveVideo (3), 2004; Producer’s Video, Georgetown Univeristy Health Video, 2003; Wendt Kochman, K.O.A. Kampgrounds, Publicity Photos, 2003; WJLA-TV, Spine and Joint Center Commercial, 2003; Key Make-Up: Ventana Productions, commercial, 2002; Advanced Video Systems, Infomercial, 2001; Mo Naficy Productions, commercial, 2000; My Father’s House, film, Oneofoursouth, 2000, Coming Home, film, Patrick Clark, 1999; The Book of Danny, film, Fingerprint Films. 1999; National Education Association, Video, 1999; United Health Care, commercial, 1997; Eric Richardson, Real Estate commercial, 1997; J.C. Penny awards video, 1997; Maryland Casualty, video, 1997; Sport Automotive, commercial, Producer’s Video.
Contact: Ruth E. Brinkman
410-239-3224 (Main)
410-491-1174 (Cell)